Interrupting Patterns

Episode 6 - Interrupting Patterns

Explicit Content Warning: language (oh God, beating, dang, stupid)
Trigger Warning: verbal abuse, divorce, covert abuse, unmet needs

Host and Guests: Janel, Melinda, and Ariana

Often, the painful issues we notice are only symptoms of a deeper problem. When we find the courage to request help, only to be dismissed or invalidated, it’s hard to ask again. We can find ourselves stuck in an unending cycle of confusion. Join us as we talk about the elements we faced to finally break free.

Length: 25:31

Additional Support Resources:

For more information about Janel’s programs and resources, visit her website:

If things don’t feel right in one or more of your relationships, even though no one is physically harming you, I encourage you to reach out to the National Domestic Violence Hotline. Despite its name, they recognize that abuse is more than fists and yelling. I wish I had known that thirty years sooner. NDVH has resources on their website that explain abuse in all its forms and what you can do. If you contact them, they have staff who understand your fears, hesitance to trust new people, and know exactly what you’re going through. They can help you with the next step. You can call them at 800-799-7233, text 88788, or visit them online at Stay safe. 💕

Wilderness to Wild - Sarah McDougall

Sarah and her partner, Bren Wise-Mays, have free resources specifically for women questioning whether they are in an abusive relationship, what to do if they find their partner addiction, and support for women leaving abusive marriages and relationships, as well as information on how to protect children during and after divorce, and how to deconstruct toxic religious beliefs. They also offer the free TraumaMAMAs mobile app that has resources for local support in both the Unites States and around the world.

Healing Trauma by Peter Levine
Amazon Affiliate Link:

This book changed my life and sent me down the path of somatic healing. It contains simple explanations of trauma and how it affects the body, then offers exercises to reconnect with your body and release the remnants of physical tension to truly heal.